
Easy collaboration to create a book

PenPeers is the first platform to bring together authors for easy collaboration to create a book, a magazine or a newspaper, it enables anyone with a good book idea to create a project and work with co-authors to bring the book to completion

Find suitable co-authors from own contacts

Authors may nominate the co-author group from their own contacts or find suitable co-authors in the Penpeer community

Anyone can join your project with your permission

Projects can be private to the group, or made public in outline format to allaow anyone to request to join the project

Write any book

The service can be used to write any book that is not in a category excluded under the service legal terms

  • Non-fiction including science, history, travel guides, biography and natural history
  • Acadimic and study guides
  • Children's books
  • Poetry and short story compilations
  • Script writing for screen and stage

Allow muliple authors to work simultaneously

The cloud-based service tools enable the project owners to create the book structure and allow muliple authors to work simultaneously and an productive way

If specialist skills are needed for the project, PenPeers can help by linking authors with publishing professionals as required


EBook Platforms

The final publication can be sold in eBook format via the PenPeers, Google Books, Amazon Kindle and other eBook platforms

Print Versions

Print versions may be also offered via print-on-demand services or by linking submission to publishers for print and distribution